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当决定创建一个社交媒体档案, it is important to take into consideration the resources you have available and what the best fit is for your brand. It is far better to maintain one excellent social media account than to be on all platforms and posting and interacting infrequently.

确定社交媒体是否适合你的部门, 办公室或机构, 问自己以下问题:

  1. 我的部门、办公室或组织有什么目标?
  2. 社交媒体将如何帮助我实现这些目标?
  3. 我的目标受众是什么? 这些受众使用什么样的社交媒体平台?
  4. 我愿意在社交媒体上“社交”吗? Am I prepared to allow, monitor and engage with fan feedback, both positive and negative?
  5. 我有什么资源可以用于创建, 监控, 维护和参与该配置文件和平台?
  6. 我该如何宣传我的社交媒体形象?
  7. How often can I realistically post new content on behalf of my department, 办公室或机构?
  8. How comfortable do I, and other administrators, feel using this platform?

回答了这些问题之后, make sure you have read Northwest’s social media policies and the faculty and staff handbooks, 适用:

在你开始一页之前,一定要“听”一会儿. 关注你的竞争对手或类似的组织. 观察那些成功吸引关注者的帖子类型.

如果你有一个部门, 办公室或机构 profile that you would like to be an official Northwest profile, 请填一下这个 社交媒体请求表格. 成为一个官方页面的好处包括在西北的列表 社交媒体目录, 在西北航空的主要社交媒体账户上进行交叉推广, the ability to request an officially-designed profile picture from the Office of 大学市场营销 and 沟通, and access to meetings with Northwest 社交媒体 Team to discuss ideas and tips for social media.


让访问者继续访问你的推特, 脸谱网, Instagram, Pinterest, 博客账户等, 你一定经常发帖. 您发布的数量取决于您使用的格式. 例如:

  • 每天在脸谱网上发帖是最理想的. 一天可以吃几次, but there must be a minimum of 3 hours between posts or your previous posts will be buried in news feeds. 脸谱网现在在帖子上有一个内置的时间表功能, 所以提前安排帖子是可能的. 例如, 你可以决定在周一发布一周的内容, 将剩余的内容安排在本周剩下的时间发布. 然而, 如果你这样做, make sure you continue to monitor your 脸谱网 page daily for any questions, 意见和反馈. 有关脸谱网内置post调度器的更多信息: http://www.Facebook.com/help/?faq=389849807718635
  • 每天在推特上发帖是必须的. Interacting on 推特 daily is a must and includes responding to messages, 她转发了, 参与话题标签(#)趋势并发布原创内容. 一个值得考虑的标签趋势是“关注周五”,,在这种情况下,你会建议关注其他推特账户. 这不仅会把你的粉丝引向有趣的账户, but also increases publicity for you by encouraging others to list your account on "Follow Friday.要了解更多关于标签和“周五关注”的信息: http://support.Twitter.com/articles/49309-what-are-hashtags-symbols
  • Posting several times per week on Instagram is expected, and multiple times per day is acceptable. Instagram是一个分享照片和视频的平台, 尤其是在移动设备上, and it is not as acceptable to post status-type updates as it is on 脸谱网 or 推特. 你可以, 编辑, 并发布内容,让你的粉丝通过点赞进行互动, 评论, 和股票.
  • 每周至少发一次博客. This helps keep your readers interested and active posting increases your search engine rankings.
  • 张贴尽可能多的你想在Pinterest上. 每6小时在Pinterest上连续“钉”20件物品是可以接受的. 人们期待不断变化的内容. It is acceptable to post multiple times per day, or to post in a flurry once per week.


So now that you know how frequently posts are expected, what type of content should you post? 以下是对校园各部门和组织的一些建议.

  • 历史帖子中的日期可以帮助你产生想法. 你可以用 大学历史日期 或者你自己部门的特定日期.
  • Post questions for your users that are pertinent to your department or organization. 这创造了双向对话,可以提高你的知名度. 例如,语言系, Literature and Writing could ask followers what books they are currently reading; the Department of Agricultural Sciences could ask if followers have had experience with cover crops or a particular kind of seed; the Department of Business could ask what small company followers love and why. 可能性是无限的. 开始讨论,把自己定位为这个话题的专家.
  • Share University news releases that pertain to your department (scholarships, 学生团体, 校友成功故事).
  • Share external news stories that are related to your department or organization and ask for feedback. 故事可以来自你所在地区的文学杂志, 一份主要报纸发表了一项研究, 一份独特业务的简介——任何适合你目标市场的东西. 征求对故事或观点的反馈. (避免非常有争议的问题)
  • 张贴你的部门或组织赞助的任何活动.
  • Take photos throughout the week of your department or organization’s activities. 你不需要一个花哨的相机来做到这一点——一个手机相机就可以. If you have permission, tag any students/faculty/staff in your post so their friends can see too.
  • Ask a student to keep a blog about your department – share your blog posts on your other social media platforms.
  • Congratulate graduating students and students who have accepted interesting jobs or internships.
  • Retweet positive things that are being said about your department or organization on 推特.
  • 在脸谱网上寻求推荐,分享你的最爱.
  • 有关于你的部门或组织的琐事. (样品: How many pounds of seed did the School of Agricultural Sciences plant this year? 自然科学系有多少教员? 教育学院的就业率是多少? 1988年学生参与办公室赞助了什么音乐会?)
  • 询问学生最喜欢你们系的哪门课,以及为什么.
  • 张贴你的学生,谁是来自最远的玛丽维尔, 和离玛丽维尔最近的学生.
  • 留学后或实习机会.
  • 突出校友有趣的职业生涯.
  • 征求意见和改进的想法.
  • 在校园内推广其他部门和组织. 互相帮助.
  • Say thank you at big milestones – when you reach 100 fans/followers, 500, 1,000 – etc.

正如你所看到的,可能性是无限的. 要有创意! 最重要的是, 在你发布内容之前, ask yourself if this is the type of content your audience expects to see on social media, 如果你的内容值得与他人分享.


Even more important than the content of your postings is your interaction with your followers. 社交媒体应被视为双向交流的论坛, 而不仅仅是发布你自己的帖子. What does this mean for you, and how should this look for your department, organization or office?

  • 快速回复你个人资料里的问题. The complexity of the question and the profile the question is posted on factor into the expectation for the response turnaround, 然而, 通常期望尽快得到响应, 并且在24小时内.
  • 不自动删除负面评论. 将这些意见作为反馈,并对投诉作出回应. 如何回应将取决于投诉的性质. 一般来说,最好公开承认投诉. 如果这不是可以在公共论坛上解决的问题, acknowledge the comment/complaint and tell the person how you will follow up with them offline. (这在FERPA问题上尤为重要. 例如,不要公开谈论涉及成绩的问题.) This shows others that you are listening to feedback and serving your customers. 然后,确保你确实跟进了! You can follow up in a private message on social media, through an email or through a phone call. 通过参与,你可以在事情失控之前降低抱怨的程度. 如果你对如何处理负面评论有疑问, feel free to contact 大学市场营销 and 沟通 for guidance.
  • 感谢所有评论. If someone compliments your office, department or organization, 说 thank you!
  • Delete any spam posts or commercial advertisements for products unrelated to Northwest. 删除任何诽谤或诽谤的材料(项目名称, 说, 个别教授或学生,并说他们的坏话). 删除任何违反FERPA的材料. 删除不适合读者的内容. (If you have followers under 21, for example, delete any references to alcohol.)当您删除某些内容时(垃圾帖子除外), when possible send a private message to the account of the individual whose post you have deleted and explain why it was deleted. This can help diffuse a situation or prevent them from making the same posting mistake again.
  • When possible, check in with your social media profiles even on the weekends. 用户期望互动, so you want to continue to thank them for positive 评论 and continue to address negative 评论 quickly.